Saturday, March 16, 2013

A novel idea: starting from scratch on a new chapter

One new chapter leads to another.  After finding some flaws in the way one of my main characters was designed, I gave him a whole new backstory that is much more endearing and is making my entire novel stronger...but now I have a LOT of re-writing ahead of me, as well as another brand new chapter for chapter 8.  Looking on the editing goals have surpassed my expectations already for March.  My first seven chapters are solid enough, I believe, to call 'finished'!  (the author pauses for a momen to pat herself on the back) 

I can feel my novel turning into something with a strong, entertaining story, and I am so excited about it that I have become addicted to writing every day....sometimes for endless hours.  Coffee, you are my sweet motivation.

"I never laugh until I have my coffee." -Clark Gable

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