Tuesday, March 26, 2013

A novel idea: Google to the rescue!

Today I dropped Will off at preschool, and then brought my computer with me to Starbucks in an effort to force myself to write....yes, I am THAT person.  Anyways, it worked. For an hour and a half I was on a roll...typing brilliant things while sipping a latte.  And then IT happened.  All of my newly written brilliance vanished.  Had I not been in a public settings I would have started crying.  All of that work...gone.  I left Starbucks, not sure what to do.  As I waited in my car for preschool to finish, I opened my laptop and searched everywhere I could think to...
Nothing.  I was getting ready to throw in the towel and start drinking wine when I got home...but after picking up Will and waiting outside Ethans school, I googled (on my handy dandy smartphone) how to recover an unsaved word document.  Immediately I found what I was looking for, and I realized I am not the first MS WORD victim. 
Through a few simple instructions, I was able to recover my unsaved document.  Whew!

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